Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another visit to the rose garden.  We were working on the
garden pond today, I will post pictures soon but today
I wanted to post the Winnipeg Park rose, 4 ft tall and
covered with blooms I cannot get the colour right but it
is spectacular.

This is also a chance to post a quote from a favorite
poet. The first poetry book I every got from the library
sale table was Gwendolyn MacEwen's Magic Animals
I have gotten others but none this good.

"In our gardens are electric roses
which spark, push light, push fuchsia
in flailing grass

and spines of long magnetic seas cloy,
rake their depths for dust; all holds;
the spines hold the elemental jelly
of the sea’s flesh there.

I walk warily through
my electric garden"

                                          Universe And: The Electric Garden
                                               Gwendolyn MacEwan

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