Saturday, November 19, 2011

A grey day -20C -4F with steamed up windows
dripping condensation. I am glad they replaced
our exterior doors last week and not today. But
continuing with my plan I am posting another
photo from last week.

"One day something came to the window.
Work was dropped , I looked up.
The colours fared. Everything turned around.
The earth and I sprang toward each other."

                                            Face to Face
                                                   Tomas Transtromer


Lené Gary said...

I love the way the color feels like it's raining somehow with those black vertical lines. The pairing of words is perfect with this piece. You probably heard that Tomas Transtromer won the Nobel Prize this year. :)


Guy said...

Hi Lene

Your right the strong vertical lines of the birch branches do give me the feeling of rain. I could not identify where the feeling of movement I had when I looked at this photo came from. I did not know that Tomas Transtromer won the Nobel Prize that is great to hear.


Kathie Brown said...

I love this photo and the last line of that poem!

Guy said...

Hi Kathie

The last line of the poem is a beautiful image. I am glad you liked it.
