I have been thinking about my/our relationship with
nature and reading what some of my favorite poets
have to say about it. I am not sure whether I am talking
cause or effect here, whether reading them makes me
think about nature or I turn to them as I watch the
seasons change and the animals move through them.

"Though the beech is golden
I cannot stand beside it
mute, but must say
"It is golden," while the leaves
stir and fall with a sound
that is not a name."
from The Silence
Wendell Berry
I cannot stand beside it
mute, but must say
"It is golden," while the leaves
stir and fall with a sound
that is not a name."
from The Silence
Wendell Berry
It's funny, but in my own way, I was doing the same thing yesterday as I walked through the neighborhood photographing the leaves with my cell phone camera. I know they are colorful but I felt the NEED to record it and in my own way say, "It is colorful, it is golden."
Hi Kathie
That is really interesting. I do think the need to underscore something in our own mind or share it with others is one of the major impulses behind art, writing, photography. It is often more fun to bird or vacation with someone else because you can turn and say wow did you see that. I guess our blogs are part of that activity.
As always it was good to hear from you.
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