Friday, June 28, 2019

The slough at dawn.

"There were now and then, though rarely, the hours that brought the welcome shock, pulled down the walls and brought me back again from my wanderings to the living heart of the world."

Hesse, Hermann. Steppenwolf

Fot the last couple of years a group of Franklin Ground Squirrels has occupied the front yard some 12 feet or so from the porch. (They actually share it with Red Squirrels, Least Chipmunks and Snowshoe Hares, the dogs bark alot) They wander the whole property waddling from one bird feeder to another for whatever has spilled. They are renowen for getting habituated to humans and our pretty much ignore us. They also ignore the three yapping dogs in the run, feeding quietly despite the hysteria. This morning as we ate breakfast on the screened porch there was a shrill, piercing, almost mechanical squeal. Helen noticed the nearby Franklin had, after uttering it's alarm call, assumed a straight upright stance as it watched a raven fly by at the edge of the slough. Always something new around here.

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