Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Day in the Life

"We risk our eyes
every day; they celebrate; they dance
and flirt over this offered treasure.
"Be alive," the land says. "Listen-
this is your time, your world, your pleasure.""

from Crossing Our Campground
by William Stafford

Yesterday I worked around the cabin taking out some grass, to discourage ticks and moving some plants. Despite bug repellant, changing my clothes after a tick check, a shower at the farm, more tick checks, scanning the sheets with a flashlight before bed, I found I had been bitten by two ticks. Helen has ordered me an anti-tick outfit, I believe it is a plastic buddle with waldos. She has also put the kibosh on some of my landscaping plans, I am not arguing. Ticks only became a problem here a few years ago when the winters warmed up. I was getting a bit discouraged, thank god the dragonflies showed up about four days ago.

Then this morning I woke to this out the front window.

We went to Shellbrook for breakfast and shopping.

On the way there were ducks. A Canvasback and 
some Scaups.

An old cabin. This looks similar to the homestead cabin
on the farm which was built about 1911-1912. Quite the
place to spend a Saskatchewan winter with the family.

The view from Arnies Grill, the wonderful restaurant in Shellbrook.

A prairie town sleeps under a blue sky. 
Nice but we really need rain.

A quick stop for gas, almost there.

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