Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Time for a quote from one of my favorite books
amd favorite authors.

"It was less like seeing
than like being for the first time seen,
knocked breathless by a powerful glance."

                                Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
                                                  Annie Dillard


Anonymous said...

Oh, now is a good shot.
Wasn't that a good book?

Guy said...

Hi Sandy

Thanks. Yes I loved Pilgrim at Tinker Creek I used it for a paper at university and have read all Dillard's other non-fiction.


Kathie Brown said...

Love the photo. Love the quote! Perhaps I will check out that author!

Guy said...

Hi Kathie

I think you would enjoy her in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek she wrote a very interesting book on observing nature.

All the best.
