Monday, May 18, 2020

Spain 2020

"But it is a mild, mild wind, and a mild looking sky; 
and the air smells now, as if it blew from a far-away meadow; 
they have been making hay somewhere under the slopes 
of the Andes, Starbuck, and the mowers are sleeping among the 
new-mown hay."

from Moby Dick

 By Herman Melville

When the pandemic started my sister was travelling in Spain with friends. They were unable to fly home before the borders closed and spent the first 6 weeks in a high-rise apartment under lockdown. The people there treated them well. But it was justifiably quite restricted. When things loosened up in early May they were able to move to rented house in the country. When they got there the farmers were cutting hay an activity I associate with late July or August in Saskatchewan. A recent email indicated they had hoopoe in the area. They are certainly a beautiful bird and it looks like a lovely area. We are very happy that our friends and family are doing okay.


Kelly said...

...I love the quote you chose from Moby Dick. It fits so well and is beautiful.
I'm glad to hear you sister and friends are doing well in such a hard-hit area.

Guy said...

Thanks Kelly

Sorry I did not reply sooner, the quote is one that always comes to mind when I see my brother in law harvesting his hay by our cabin.
