Sunday, July 28, 2019

Last night's storm, two out of there dogs were very, very, unhappy.

"My people, now it is time
for us all to shake hands with the rain.
It's a neighbour, lives here all winter.
Talkative, yes. It will tap late 
at night on your door and stay there
gossiping. It goes away without goodbye
leaving its gray touch on old wood.

—- barefoot, it has walked 
with us with its silver passport all over the world."

from Wovoka's Witness
by William Stafford

Last night's storm was brief, but came with one of the most visible storm fronts I have ever seen. We has some thunder and lightning. The clouds built up from the direction of the grid road with this layering of different coloured bands towering up into the sky. That was followed by the front itself moving out across the slough. Then there was a period of heavy rain when the slough almost disappeared. After that things cleared, it all probably took less than a hour all told.

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