Saturday, June 22, 2024

That's no way to treat your wife


As part of our tick avoidance scheme we decided to have designated outdoor clothing, mine are tick repellent. These were hung on hooks outside the cabin. After a very cold night Helen went to put her sweater on and found a tiny field mice looking up at her. They are now stored inside. 

We have had Baltimore Orioles around the cabin for many years one nest is to the side of the porch. We never had much luck with an Oriole feeder, it was expensive, ignored except by a determined hummingbird and now it leaks. When I saw them trying to use our nice sturdy hummingbird feeder I put out navel oranges. The other day this became a bone of contention. But I am sure like most marital squabbles they will work it out. None of the other birds have shown any interest in the orange which is just as well. Sunflower seed are a lot cheaper.

“Neighborhood What do I care that they’re tearing down the nice old houses and putting up brutal ones? Before very long, I’ll be just a breeze blowing around town, trying to avoid all the wind chimes.”

Billy Collins, Music Tables:Poems

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