Tuesday, November 26, 2019

" I would clothe you in feathers

You are too bare in your long bones when the wind
sighs in the snow

You are the movement of birds"

from Words from the Aviary
(for Monique)
by D.G. Jones

It is snowing today. but I am cheating these photos were taken during a snow fall in early Oct. I suspect my favourite winter birds are the Dark-Eyed Juncos, who appear with the snow and disappear when it does. This year we had lots. They really seemed to be interested in the small seeds that fell from the volunteer weeds in  the patio, which we left in place. The Juncos interest me  because of their subtle colours and also the variation between birds. According to the Canadian Wildlife Federation our weeds, twiggy yard and lack of a fall cleanup was just what Junco's like. We also had a lot of fall warblers so this is a strategy we plan to stick to. 

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