Sunday, May 11, 2014

" Sometimes it is inconceivable that I should be the age I am
Almost always it is at a dry point in the afternoon
I cannot remember what
I am waiting for and in my astonishment I
Can hear the blood crawling over the plains
Hurrying on to arrive before dark "

from The Child 
by W.S. Merwin

This quote from Merwin really struck me as appropriate
for those times I encounter a chance mirror or 
contemplate the years since something or to
something. These shots are from last weekend
when we had, hopefully our last blast of winter.
This weekend we bought a Thule for our upcoming
trip to the cabin and I did a bit of yard work.

"Almost a thousand years later
I am asking the same questions
you did the ones you kept finding
yourself returning to as though
nothing had changed except the tone
of their echo growing deeper
and what you knew of the coming
of age before you had grown old
I do not know any more now
than you did then about what you
were asking"

from A Letter to Su Tung-po
by W.S. Merwin


Kathie Brown said...

Guy, this winter has been relentless! Oh my goodness! I heard it was snowing/sleeting again in Chicago this morning! I do hope it warms up and melts thee soon! I am wishing you flowers and sunshine! I am seeing so many new birds in my new yard! I love it here!

BTW, that is some quote by W.S. Merwin! I have never heard of him!

WildBill said...

A never ending winter eh? Keep the faith. Summer will arrive. I'm waiting until August to do my yearly trek to northern Quebec this year. Of course, by then, it might snow again.

Wonderful words and photos here!

Guy said...

Hi Kathie

I am glad to enjoyed the quote by Merwin his poem The Gate is a favorite of mine. We have been at the cabin so I should have some bird photos to share soon. Thanks for your comments.


Guy said...

Hi Bill

I am glad you enjoyed the post, I should have some photos from the cabin you might also like. It is fimally Spring here although it was still cool and wet at the cabin. Hopefully August will be nice for your trip.
